Alchemy Sound Healing



  • Retreats

  • Corporate Events

  • Spiritual Gatherings

  • Bridal Showers

  • Boutique Hotel Events

  • Festivals

  • Group Healing Experiences

"There are many different theories that attempt to explain why sound experiences can be linked with deep relaxation and physical pain relief. One theory is that sound works through the vibrational tactile effects on the whole body. Sound could stimulate touch fibers that affect pain perception.

One study of people with fibromyalgia found that ten treatments (twice per week for five weeks) of low-frequency sound stimulation improved sleep and decreased pain, allowing nearly three-fourths of participants to reduce pain medication.”

— Psychology Today

According to a study by Lyz Cooper MA, MSc, FICNM, who has experienced over 20 years of working with therapeutic sound techniques, many people who receive sound therapy treatments have received benefits, from life-limiting health issues such as anxiety, chronic pain, arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome to name a few.

The thousands of case studies undertaken by students and the team at The British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) have highlighted common experiences that individuals receiving treatments and relaxation sessions share.

These include…

seeing colours pulsing behind closed eyes, floaty feelings and feeling deeply relaxed, reduced anxiety and muscle tension, losing a sense of time and/or having spiritual or mystical experiences.

Some of the above effects indicate that these individuals were entering an altered state of consciousness (ASC). An ASC is a natural everyday occurrence that happens when the brainwaves go into a lower frequency across many areas of the brain, resulting in day-dreamy sensations.

These 'screen-saver' modes that we go into during the day enable the system to rebalance and result in chemical balance and mental refreshment if we allow them to continue for long enough, however because normal everyday life does not give us opportunity to remain in this state for long enough our brain and body do not have enough time to balance."


It all started when…

I had my first reiki experience and as the crystal alchemy bowls were played in my session, I astral projected. I was a pastel beam of light, flying with other pastel beams of light! it was incredible and the most joyful I’d felt in a long time. Soon after I was studying reiki and alchemy sound healing with Emerald Heart Healing in Encinitas, California, where I went directly to the waves after each level of training, to integrate the mystery and energy and newness of it all.

After a spiritual mentorship where I focused on the Thoth deck in tarot, distance reiki work, as well as psychic and intuitive development, I entered a different type of mentorship with Cosmic Relations University where I walked through a year of shadow work, learned so much about myself, and about things like being buried in a mycelium suit! I received a Masters in Cosmic Relations. If you had told 2018 Rachel that all of this was her new path, I’m not sure I would have believed you. More about my journey to come…


Transform Chaos into Clarity!

Build A relationship with your nervous system.